Imagine that you can drop a coin in one hand while showing the other hand’s fingers naturally open, and then vanish it. You can even vanish two, three coins or change them to a dollar bill, small object. This is a revolution technique of coin magic, a must learn for coin’s lover, you can use it to create so many effects, like coin color change, transposition etc.., the possibilities are endless. Instant download comes with detailed instruction with over shoulder view angle, easy to follow. This is the “CLIPSHIFT” of coin magic that will take your coin magic to the next level.
- Ryuka: “I love this vanish so much” -
- Zee J.Yan (Sansmind): "Although NOWHERE seem similar to BLOW VANISH but there are interesting twists in method, I love your coin across, so clean"
Download Content:
1. NW Retention
2. NW Retention Variation
3. NW Wave
4. NW Drop
5. One Coin Routine
6. NW 2
7. NW 3
8. NW Change 1
9. NW Change 2
10. NW Change 3
11. NW Convert
12. 3 to 3
13. Coin through hand
Level: Intermediate & Advanced
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